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Storm was the fourth pup born from Alpine and Idigadog's Sully. She had a lightning strike down her back and piercing blue eyes which could only denote trouble! This awesome litter are such a bunch of allsorts! Different colours and patterns but they are all very similar in temperament. These pups are all bombproof, strong willed and quite vocal at times. Storm went to live with Ben, Sarah and Elisha and her litter brother Diesel but has remained in Victoria so I get to see her quite often. She is a very playful, cheeky, adventurous girl who would never stand still as a pup. Storm is a determined girl and was always trying to push the boundaries with her littermates while here at Alpison. This litter has introduced the Anadyr bloodine to the existing Igloo Pak and Lokiboden lineage in our kennel. I can't wait to see these kids grow and do us proud but as long as they are happy, that's all that matters.